So I’ve been married for 24 years, living together for 28. We watch porn. We don’t watch it together because we like different kinds of things. We have a pretty amazing sex life but while watching porn, I’m not thinking of him, wishing he was like whomever I’m watching, he’s not in my head at all when I’m watching porn. For me porn satisfies that raw, unrefined side of human nature but it does not make me feel loved my husbande does. Porn gets me off in a different way. I prefer making love to my husband and porn can never replace his touch. Its just porn.
But my soul, my heart, my mind, this life we have built together ….nothing can come close to that greatness. We are 50 and 54 and he snores and I have hot flashes so sometimes we sleep in different rooms but it’s pretty sexy when we visit each other after a good night’s sleep. At our age when most of our friends are breaking up or becoming dormant in the bedroom, we are still spicing it up…in the middle of the day, on the back deck, in a secluded part of the beach…in the undetermined gender change room at the sports complex near our house…wherever and whenever the mood takes us. So your boyfriend watches porn. I’d be worried if he didn’t. My husband watches porn, I watch porn…so what? Don’t sweat it…maybe watch some yourself….if he’s into you and the relationship, a little porn won’t destroy what you have.