I so agree with this article! I am tired of being referred to as angry, aggressive or however white people see my multiracial Caribbean face. Tired of explaining I’m not angry only to be told that I come across as angry. Why are white women especially, conditioned to believe that anything over their low threshold is extreme? I am tired of being seen as “too much woman" just because I have an expressive face and gesture with my hands. I speak with passion, not aggression and as your friend, I have your back but you white woman, or white man for that matter, do not have mine. So, if you are wondering, your judgement is why we are no longer friends. In fact, for many of you, we are not even acquaintences anymore. The few white persons I call friend (one of which is my husband) can be counted on one hand. The people I truly call friend are Caribbean like me because I don’t have to justify the “way I am” to them. I don’t break bread with people for whom I have to adjust my perfectly fine demeanor. If you ask me a question, I will give you my opinion, tell you the truth. If you cross the line with me, show disrespect or insult me, I will let you know. If you are friends with me, you get the essence of me and I will be your friend for life. Of course, those white folks who judge me have no problem with their one in a million white friend who tells it like it is…they call her feisty yet they see me as angry. So, I have turned my back on them. There is enough to deal with in the world than to have to deal with the issues that come along with trying to befriend passive aggressive white people. Passive aggression is pointless, is a waste of time and is a weak tactic. I encourage white folks to heed singer John Mayer’s lyrics “Say what you need to say" . Refrain from beginning your statements to we non-white people with “Don’t take this the wrong way but…” or “I don’t want to make you feel bad but…” just….just don’t speak to us, okay? Don’t try and befriend us if you can’t talk to us without a disclaimer. I’d rather have no more than the few white true friends than 50 more who have passive aggressive tendencies and underlying, misconstrued opinions about me because I speak my truth with my distinct accent, hand gestures and skin tone. Reflect on your uptight nature and never mind trying to cut me down with your criticism while pretending to be my friend. I know I fascinate you but trust me, I am too much for you so move along, I’m good. I’m not interested in being your token.